BIS 402: Programming For E-Business Syllabus
Course number and section: | Room Number: | Class Day and Time: |
BIS402-001 | Online | Online |
Instructor | Mark McFadden | | | ||
URL | | |
NKU sees the metropolitan region as representing not just a set of learning needs to be served but also as a powerful source of knowledge and experience that can strengthen, enhance, and enrich every dimension of its educational mission to discover, transmit, apply, and preserve knowledge.
Our primary mission is to educate students from the Northern Kentucky/Greater Cincinnati metropolitan region to perform effectively and ethically in a global environment as professionals in business, public, and social enterprises. We will leverage the partnerships between students, faculty, and the community to continuously improve the educational experience of our students and to enhance the integration of scholarship and service with classroom learning.
NKU’s Quality Enhancement Program (QEP)
NKU is concentrating on providing students active learning in their curriculum and coursework. The active learning component of BIS 402 is found in the completion of the hands-on exercises that correspond with the concepts of programming for E-Business found in this course.
Employ technologies, tools, and practices for development of corporate Intranets and the Internet for information management and electronic commerce; coverage of Internetworking technologies, site design, content development languages and components, and data management techniques; development of web-based sites for business and commercial operations. Prerequisites: BIS 305 or equivalent; junior standing.
There are no required materials for this course. Weekly modules will be added to Canvas that will include required readings, lectures, assignments, and/or discussions.
After completing this course, the student should be able to:
Understand the current status of e-Business concepts.
Recognize the key implementation issues along with e-Business system design.
Describe the best practices in e-Business engineering system development.
Evaluate the existing e-Business system with an architectural vision and performance perspective
This course will utilize assigned readings and class lectures as the primary reference material and requires the active engagement and participation of all course members. This material will provide you with a good understanding of important concepts, topics, tools and techniques in the development and assessment of IT strategy and organizational resilience practices. You are required to read the assigned reference material and should pay close attention to the discussion and review questions, exercises, along with the case studies at the end of the chapters as applicable. Students are encouraged to actively contribute to on-line discussions to reinforce the concepts from each article, chapter and/or lecture.
The degree of learning and success of this course depends on the preparation and contributions of all BIS 402 course members.
By registering for this course, it is expected that you allocate a significant block of time necessary to study, complete all readings, assignments and contribute to course topic discussions. It is each student’s responsibility to complete assignments on time. Assistance and instruction will be available via the Microsoft Teams/Zoom real-time sessions by appointment to provide you with text material and assignment help and guidance as needed. Students are required to either attend the concurrent On-Line sessions or listen to the archives and are highly encouraged to share their questions, insights, and reflections on the designated course discussion boards.
Note: You are responsible and accountable for any information / material conveyed and/or discussed during class sessions. You are required to view and listen to the session recordings and post any questions, insights, and reflections on the designated course discussion boards.
The Canvas Learning System and the Microsoft Teams/Zoom real-time sessions will be used as the primary communication vehicle for disseminating all course material, announcements, schedules, assignment handouts, etc. On-line discussion of assignments and course material will be hosted on the Canvas discussion boards. It is the student’s responsibility to check the course Canvas web page via the NKU Web site on a periodic basis to keep up to date on any changes or critical information. Note: all students are expected to have access to a computer with working audio speakers and microphone. Both written and voice discussion board communication methods may be utilized.
**To arrive at a final grade for the course, evaluation of a student’s performance is made as follows.
Each student will be assessed via the following (400 Total Points):
Weekly Assignments (35% of class grade) - Homework assignments will be given to and should be submitted via Canvas corresponding to topics covered in class, typically one assignment per week. Late assignments may not be accepted, unless pre-approved by the instructor. 7 Homework Assignments (20 pts each = 140 pts total)
Assignment Discussions (17.5% of class grade) – Our work often builds on the work of others. You will be required to reflect on your assignments and read the reflections from others within this course. 7 Assignment Discussion Entries (10 pts each = 70 pts total)
Final Project (47.5% of class grade) - There will be a final project for this course, used to test the students' understanding of all concepts presented and discussed during the seven weeks. Each student will create a presentation that must be submitted online (week 8). Presentation (190 pts total)
Note that:
Late assignments will not be accepted unless previously approved by the instructor prior to the assignment due date.
Students will receive up to 3 due date extensions for late assignments during the semester.
Note that you are responsible to check for weekly announcements in the Announcements section of Canvas as well as email messages sent to your NKU email account.
Note that assignments will NOT be received by attaching to an email message.
Late assignments will be subject to the reduction in points. All submitted work should be original. See the Plagiarism section below.
The grading system at NKU is based on the following descriptions:
A represents exceptionally high achievement because of aptitude, effort, and intellectual initiative.
B represents high achievement because of ability and effort
C represents average achievement, the minimum expected of a college student
D represents minimum passing grade except for courses taken on a pass/fail basis.
F indicates failure in a course. Credit in a course where an F was earned can be obtained only be repeating the course successfully.
Grading Scale |
Letter Grade |
% Equal to or Greater than |
Grade Point |
A | 93 | 4.00 |
A- | 90 | 3.67 |
B+ | 87 | 3.33 |
B | 83 | 3.00 |
B- | 80 | 2.67 |
C+ | 77 | 2.33 |
C | 73 | 2.00 |
C- | 70 | 1.67 |
D+ | 67 | 1.33 |
D | 60 | 1.00 |
F | 0 | 0 |
Grade Appeal:
Please see the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities Section V: Academic Policies & Processes for any final grade appeal. The specifics of the process are detailed in subsection G: Student Academic Grade Appeal.
I will answer email within a 24-hour period. Include the course prefix and section number (BIS 402-001 etc.) in the subject line of the e-mail message. As is common with Spam Filters, any messages without subject lines or with subject lines will be sent to the Spam folder. Students participating in this course will be notified when I am unavailable for e-mail.
Northern Kentucky University takes Instructor and Course Evaluations very seriously as an important means of gathering information for the enhancement of learning opportunities for its students. It is an important responsibility of NKU students as citizens of the University to participate in the instructor and course evaluation process. During the two weeks* prior to the end of each semester classes, you will be asked to reflect upon what you have learned in this course, the extent to which you have invested the necessary effort to maximize your learning, and the role your instructor has played in the learning process. It is very important that you complete the online evaluations with thoughtfully written comments.
Student evaluations of courses and instructors are regarded as strictly confidential. They are not available to the instructor until after final grades are submitted, and extensive precautions are taken to prevent your comments from being identified as coming from you. Students who complete an evaluation for a particular course (or opt out of doing so in the evaluation) will be rewarded for their participation by having access to their course grade as soon as that grade is submitted by the instructor. On the other hand, any student who does not complete the course evaluation (or opt out of doing so in the evaluation) should expect to incur a two-week delay in access to his or her course grade beyond the university’s official date for grade availability. To complete online evaluations, go to Click on “student login” and use the same USERNAME and PASSWORD as used on campus.
In addition, you should be aware of:
Evaluations can affect changes in courses. Evaluations without comments are less valuable and less credible than those filled out thoughtfully. Comments that are expressed well are more effective than those that are not.
Positive feedback is just as important as criticism. Moreover, negative evaluations without any explanation and specifics are not especially useful.
Once grades are submitted, all evaluations are read not only by the instructor, but also by the instructor’s department chairperson.
Evaluations not only provide feedback to your instructor, but also provide information to the department chair for use in performance evaluations. This information affects reappointments, promotions, salaries, and teaching assignments.
Day | Time | Location |
Monday | 7 to 9 PM | In-person or online via Zoom |
Wednesday | 7 to 9 PM | In-person or online via Zoom |
Saturday | 9 to 10 AM | In-person or online via Zoom |
By registering for this course, it is expected that you allocate a sufficient block of study time necessary to complete all readings, any assignments, or projects. It is each student’s responsibility to complete assignments on time. Every effort will be made to have resources available and provide assistance, should you need it.**
Dependent upon the semester’s academic schedule, students may withdraw from the class online at myNKU through their advisor or through the Associate Dean’s office. Incompletes must be requested by the student in writing and must include a written plan to complete the necessary work prior to the midpoint of the next full semester.
**Virtual classroom participation is essential to the educational process and the educational goals of the course. Therefore, the instructor may lower a student’s final grade because of excessive absences. Students are fully responsible for learning the course content and material disseminated in the class.
Faculty may report students who do not attend the first-class meeting of the semester/session as non-attending if they have not contacted the faculty member. Faculty are compelled to report students who fail to attend the first two classes as non-attending if they have not contacted the faculty member. All non-attendance for the full semester must be reported by the end of the add/drop date but should be reported as soon as two classes are missed. For online classes, faculty are compelled to report students who do not log into Canvas during the first week of class as non-attending.
To that end, an announcement will be sent from Canvas to all sections informing the student that the first required step for the class is to read the syllabus and reply to the announcement via the Reply link at the bottom of the initial class announcement confirming that you have read and understand the syllabus, and therefore the course requirements. If a reply to this announcement is not posted from you by Friday, August 21st, you will be administratively dropped from the class (see
The maintenance of academic standards and integrity includes the obligation not to cheat or plagiarize. A student who uses a dishonest or deceitful means to obtain a grade is guilty of cheating; a student who submits another’s work as one’s own without adequate attribution is guilty of plagiarism. Identical work will earn a grade of zero.
Plagiarism is defined as “copying or imitating the languages, ideas, thoughts or works of another and passing that off as your own original work”. This also applies to the student who knowingly allows his or her work to be copied by another student. Self-Plagiarism is the submission of the same work for multiple assignments. All the work submitted in this class should be original work for this class only, and not submitted in previous courses in our programs. If you have previous work that you would like to build on or use as a basis for this project, it must get my approval first.
This Student Honor Code [the “Honor Code”] is a commitment by students of Northern Kentucky University, through their matriculation or continued enrollment at the University, to adhere to the highest degree of ethical integrity in academic conduct. It is a commitment individually and collectively that the students of Northern Kentucky University will not lie, cheat, or plagiarize to gain an academic advantage over fellow students or avoid academic requirements.
The purpose of the Honor Code is to establish standards of academic conduct for students at Northern Kentucky University and to provide a procedure that offers basic assurances of fundamental fairness to any person accused of violations of these rules. Each Northern Kentucky University student is bound by the provisions of the Honor Code and is presumed to be familiar with all of its provisions. Students also should aspire to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the highest degree of ethical integrity in all matters, whether covered in the Honor Code or not. The success of this commitment begins in the diligence with which students uphold the letter and the spirit of the Honor Code. Students may view the complete honor code at
The University is committed to making reasonable efforts to assist individuals with disabilities in their efforts to avail themselves of services and programs offered by the University. To this end, Northern Kentucky University will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with documented qualifying disabilities. If you have a disability and feel you need accommodations in this course, you must present a letter to me from the Disability Programs and Services Office (SU 303), indicating the existence of a disability and the suggested accommodations. More information can be found at
From time to time you may be asked to participate in research studies conducted by other students or faculty. Generally, this data is gathered through a questionnaire and individuals will not be specifically identified. These studies will have an appropriate learning context for the class; none will be psychologically or physically dangerous in nature. You may decline to participate. Everyone will be debriefed on the purpose of the study and anyone that wishes may have copies of the results.
In accordance with federal policy, NKU defines a credit hour as the amount of work represented in the achievement of student learning outcomes (verified by evidence of student achievement) that reasonably approximates one hour (50 minutes) of classroom instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work. For every course credit hour, a typical student should expect to spend at least three hours per week of concentrated attention on course-related work including, but not limited to, class meeting time, reading, reviewing, organizing notes, studying and completing assignments. At least an equivalent amount of time is expected for other academic activities such as online courses, laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.
Estimates of the time required for a typical student to complete course expectations are as follows: 3 credit hours = 135 hours minimum.
Diversity describes an inclusive community of people with varied human characteristics, ideas, and world views related, but not limited, to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, religion, color, creed, national origin, age, disability, socio-economic status, geographical region, or ancestry. Institutions that value diversity provide a supportive environment that respects those human differences. It is our responsibility as citizens of the NKU community to promote and value a campus environment and classroom climate that is safe, fair, respectful, and free from prejudice.
I am a member of the Allied Zone community network, and I am available to listen and support you in a safe and confidential manner. As an Ally, I can help you connect with resources on campus to address problems you may face that interfere with your academic and social success on campus as it relates to issues surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity. My goal is to help you be successful and to maintain a safe and equitable campus.
Name / Pronoun
My gender pronouns are she, her, hers, him, he, and his. I will gladly honor your request to address you by an alternate name and/or gender pronouns from what is contained in NKU’s student records. Please advise me of these early in the semester so that I may make appropriate changes to my records.
Northern Kentucky University is committed to fostering a safe and inclusive educational and work environment free from sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, non-consensual sexual contact, non-consensual sexual intercourse, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, dating and intimate partner violence, relationship and domestic violence, stalking and gender-based bullying. For more information please see:
NKU values diverse religious perspectives and beliefs and recognizes that religious practice is for many individuals an important element of personal identity, intellectual development and psychological well-being, and, in many cases, is inseparable from cultural identity. As the diversity of our community has increased, additional religious holidays now affect a significant number of students. Consistent with our commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive community, Northern Kentucky University believes that every reasonable effort should be made to allow members of the NKU community to observe their holidays without jeopardizing the fulfillment of their academic obligations. NKU students who are unable to attend classes or participate in any examination, study or work requirement on some particular day(s) because of his or her religious belief must submit a formal request to the instructor within 3 weeks of the beginning of the semester so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Dates and assignments documented in this syllabus are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. Every effort will be made to provide any changes to the class in writing via the Announcements section of Canvas for the course. Verbal notification at a class meeting, however, will constitute sufficient notice.
1/10 Mon | Classes begin |
1/13 Thurs | Last day to register or enter a course Last day to drop with a 100% tuition adjustment Last day to change grading option (letter grade, audit, pass-fail) |
1/17 Mon | Martin Luther King Day – University Closed/No Classes Last day to drop a course without a grade appearing on a student's transcript Last day to drop a course with a 50% tuition adjustment |
1/31 Mon | Faculty begin submitting mid-term grades |
2/2 Wed | Midterm |
2/4 Fri | 9:00 A.M.: Faculty deadline for submitting mid-term grades |
2/7 Mon | Last day to drop a course with a grade of W |
2/25 Fri | Last day of classes |
3/1 Tues | 9:00 A.M.: Faculty deadline for grade submission |